
The internet is an amazing place for children to learn, create, have fun, game and communicate with friends, but they may occasionally have to deal with a variety of related challenging issues being online can bring. There are positive things you as a Parent or Carer can do to equip yourself to support your child or young person if they face such issues.

The Scottish Buisness Resilience Centre have produce a guide aimed at parents and carers titled ‘Stay Safe Online: Advice for Parents and Carers‘.

This guide will you to help you better understand the potential risks and controls around popular online sites and platforms. The guide details how you can switch on profanity filters, restrict access to sexuality explicit language and block age restricted content. It provides practical steps you can take to enhance your children or young persons’ safety and security online.

Other helpful resources include:

  • Check out our recent post with more advice to secure your online gaming accounts.
  • Thinkuknow is the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency (NCA) and their website has home activity packs from the ages of 4yrs to 14+yrs to take support from.
  • CEOP, NSPCC and Internet Matters have advice hubs to support with online issues.
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