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DigiShift 82: What you can do to protect your organisation against cyber attacks – SCVO

SCVO will be discussing common cyber threats within the voluntary sector and what you can do, whatever your role or expertise to make things better.
This session will provide valuable insights and practical tips to help enhance your organisation’s cyber resilience, guided by two professionals in the field, and provide the chance for you to ask all your burning questions.

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June 2024

The CyberScotland Bulletin will provide you with information about the latest cyber threats, scams, news and updates.

This months topics include:
• New Cyber Secure Banking campaign launched by CyberScotland Partnership

• NCSC update machine learning security principles

•Annual Fraud Report 2024 highlights financial losses through payment fraud and scams

• Reported increase of sextortion scams and more…

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DigiNext 2024: What does harnessing the power of digital look like in 2024?

On 19 September, SCVO will be bringing together over 100 digital pioneers in Glasgow to share inspiration and experiences, and to shape a new shared vision for using digital well in organisations. We’ll be celebrating wins, looking where organisations can go next with digital, and highlighting the steps we need to get there. 

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Sextortion: Financially motivated sexual extortion

Throughout 2022 and 2023, in the UK and internationally, there has been an increase in reporting of ‘Financially Motivated Sexual Extortion’– often referred to as ‘sextortion’.

Sextortion can refer to a variety of offences committed online. It is most often used to describe online blackmail, where criminals threaten to release sexual/indecent images of you, unless you pay money or carry out their demands.

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