Securi-Tay 2024

Securi-Tay 2024

For the uninitiated, Securi-Tay is an annual infosec conference organised by the committee of the Abertay Ethical Hacking Society and supported by the Abertay Students Association. Consisting of over 100 members, the society is student-run and has a diverse range of year groups and degrees.

Securi-Tay has been a great success over the many years it has been running and it keeps getting bigger and better each year, even being included on several must-attend infosec conference lists. This year will be the 12th year that Securi-Tay is being run, and it is currently the biggest student-run infosec conference in Europe. What started as a way to get society members involved and engaged with the infosec community has grown into a popular conference which attracts around 380 attendees from a mixture of industry and academic backgrounds.

Securi-Tay offers many advantages for both attendees and sponsors. For attendees, included in the ticket is a day of high-quality talks from a range of industry professionals as well as the chance to network with other attendees and sponsors (plus, our world-famous after-party). Thanks to the high level of student engagement, attending Securi-Tay offers excellent recruitment opportunities for any sponsors looking to network with potential interns and graduates.


Abertay University

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