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October 2023

The CyberScotland Bulletin will provide you with information about the latest cyber threats, scams, news and updates.

This months topics include:
• CyberScotland Week 2024

•Proposals announced for CyberScotland Partnership funding initiative

• LEAD Scotland join the CyberScotland Partnership

• Cyber Security Month 2023 and more…

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Preventing Quishing Attacks

Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted through email, by someone posing as a legitimate organisation to lure individuals and companies into providing sensitive data. A form of phishing is quishing, which uses QR codes to lure you to nefarious websites. As with any type of phishing, the best defence against quishing attacks is to be aware of the threat.

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Cyber Security Month 2023 – Staying Safe Online

European Cyber Security Month runs throughout the month of October to help raise awareness of digital security and cyber hygiene. Throughout the month, hundreds of activities occur across Europe, including conferences, workshops, training, webinars, and presentations. The theme for 2023 is based on Social Engineering, which is the tactic of manipulating, influencing, or deceiving a victim to gain control over a device system or to steal sensitive data.

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CREST and IASME announce partnership with the NCSC to deliver Cyber Incident Exercising scheme

CREST and IASME are delighted to announce their partnership with the NCSC to help deliver its new Cyber Incident Exercising scheme. The NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) has created the scheme to help organisations find high quality providers that can advise and support them to effectively practise their cyber incident response plan.

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The Gathering 2023 – SCVO

Organised by the SCVO, the Gathering exhibition will feature over 70 different organisations who have something to share with the Scottish voluntary sector. From help with running your organisation to a potential new project partner you’ll find it all here.
Many of the events will be of interest to people trying to further their cyber knowledge

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Proposals announced for CyberScotland Partnership funding initiative

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to submit a proposal and for their interest in building cyber resilience capacity in Scotland.
We received a high volume of applications towards the funding call and the variety and quality of outline proposals received was very encouraging.
We have now selected 16 proposals which we will be funding as a result of this call and which we hope will create a varied and effective programme of cyber resilience awareness activities reaching out to the target groups.

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