CyberScotland Summit 2023 welcomed a sell-out 250 delegates to Edinburgh in the final week of European Cyber Security Month. Based around the themes of collaboration, diversity and cyber resilience, delegates heard from a stellar line up of speakers covering everything from a global perspective on the threats, and opportunities, of advancing AI technology to how we can work together to encourage more young people into the cyber security arena from the earliest stage
The National Cyber Security Center has recently launched the latest phase of the Cyber Aware campaign, aiming to increase cyber resilience UK-wide by promoting the uptake of two key protective behaviours around the online festive shopping period.
Charities can receive discounted cyber essentials certification during IASME’S Charity Cyber Essentials Awareness Fortnight (6th – 17th November 2023.)
The Scottish Government and Education Scotland officially launched ‘The Bongles and the Crafty Crows’ at the cyberQuarter in Dundee on Monday 30th October, with the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Jenny Gilruth MSP present at the launch.
The unique and first-of-its-kind illustrated learning resource for children aged 4-7, demonstrates the importance of passcodes and passwords to help teach youngsters about cyber security.
Organisations are encouraged to take action to mitigate vulnerabilities affecting Cisco IOS XE (CVE-2023-20198 and CVE-2023-20273) and follow the latest vendor advice.
Self Assessment customers are urged to be on the lookout for scam texts, emails and phone calls from fraudsters.
With around 12 million people expected to submit a Self Assessment tax return for the 2022 to 2023 tax year before the 31 January 2024 deadline, fraudsters will prey on customers by impersonating HMRC.
Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted through email, by someone posing as a legitimate organisation to lure individuals and companies into providing sensitive data. A form of phishing is quishing, which uses QR codes to lure you to nefarious websites. As with any type of phishing, the best defence against quishing attacks is to be aware of the threat.
European Cyber Security Month runs throughout the month of October to help raise awareness of digital security and cyber hygiene. Throughout the month, hundreds of activities occur across Europe, including conferences, workshops, training, webinars, and presentations. The theme for 2023 is based on Social Engineering, which is the tactic of manipulating, influencing, or deceiving a victim to gain control over a device system or to steal sensitive data.
CREST and IASME are delighted to announce their partnership with the NCSC to help deliver its new Cyber Incident Exercising scheme. The NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) has created the scheme to help organisations find high quality providers that can advise and support them to effectively practise their cyber incident response plan.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to submit a proposal and for their interest in building cyber resilience capacity in Scotland.
We received a high volume of applications towards the funding call and the variety and quality of outline proposals received was very encouraging.
We have now selected 16 proposals which we will be funding as a result of this call and which we hope will create a varied and effective programme of cyber resilience awareness activities reaching out to the target groups.
With instances of cyber crime and fraud on the rise, the CyberScotland Partnership is preparing to launch a week of events aimed at engaging the country’s businesses, organisations and individuals with cyber security and awareness.