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New collaboration aims to reduce cyber risk to third sector organisations in Scotland

To help support charities in addressing cyber risks, a Third Sector Cyber Resilience Working Group, made up of a range of people from across Scotland’s voluntary sector, has been established to shape and guide a programme of work aligned to Scottish Government’s Third Sector Cyber Resilience Action Plan.

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CyberScotland Week launches DIGI Ken? campaign to highlight online safety risks for adults

With CyberScotland Week around the corner, a social media campaign has launched to bring attention to the common pitfalls of cyber safety. With only 26% of adults following advice to use three random words in their passwords, the campaign, created by the CyberScotland Partnership, aims to raise awareness of common mistakes people make in relation to their passwords, backing up data and using a password manager. 

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New DIGI Ken? videos launched for CyberScotland Week

To kick off CyberScotland Week 2024 CyberScotland’s DIGI Ken? campaign has returned showcasing three new videos focused on password safety and securing data.
The new DIGI Ken? videos are based on the NCSC’s Cyber Aware guidance related to backing up your data, saving passwords in your browser or using a password manager and the importance of using a strong and separate password for your email.

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CyberScotland Summit 2023: experts gather to discuss the latest cyber security threats and trends

CyberScotland Summit 2023 welcomed a sell-out 250 delegates to Edinburgh in the final week of European Cyber Security Month. Based around the themes of collaboration, diversity and cyber resilience, delegates heard from a stellar line up of speakers covering everything from a global perspective on the threats, and opportunities, of advancing AI technology to how we can work together to encourage more young people into the cyber security arena from the earliest stage

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During Cyber Security Awareness Month, CyberScotland’s DIGI Ken adverts offer a valuable resource that aims to promote awareness of steps that users can take to ensure that they stay secure online.

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