
Businesses in Scotland are being urged to sign up to a free digital tool which monitors the threats from cybercriminals.

Police CyberAlarm helps businesses, who are part of the scheme, to understand and monitor malicious cyber activity.

Members of the scheme benefit from regular reports showing suspicious and potentially malicious attack activity on their firewall and internet gateway. The report also details how the business is being attacked and from where, in order that they can improve their cyber resilience.

Police CyberAlarm also assists Police Scotland officers identify current threats and take enforcement action against cybercriminals and benefit any public and private sector business with a computer network, including SMEs, organisations, charities, education establishments and local government.

The scheme, funded by the Home Office, was made available to all forces and regions by the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) Cybercrime Programme in 2020 and since its launch has identified over a billion potential suspicious events resulting in reports and advice being given to members, enabling them to take action to prevent a successful attack.

Businesses can sign up and become a member of the Police CyberAlarm scheme here.

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