We live in a digital world. New technology and the internet provide the foundation of how we live, learn and work. Digital makes our worlds bigger. Not everyone is part of this digital world and SCVO believes that everyone should have the choice to be.
Hosted by SCVO at the Mansfield Traquair Centre, their home in Edinburgh, they will be joined by partners who are currently working to improve digital inclusion in Scotland. You will hear from organisations across different sectors on how they’re assuming a role in our collective responsibility for digital inclusion. Come along to network with others, who want to play their part in this digital inclusion story, form new partnerships, be inspired and inspire others.
SCVO believes that everyone should have the opportunity to be digitally included. To have the skills, confidence and motivation, access to appropriate and affordable devices and connectivity to engage in well designed services. Creating this digitally inclusive Scotland needs everyone within the public, private and voluntary sectors to make small changes to make big differences. Their Digital Inclusion Road Map for Scotland seeks to highlight how, in partnership, we can achieve this and reap the benefits for everyone.
Mansfield Traquair Centre
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
15 Mansfield Place
Find out more about this event here
Book to attend here